Skin and five seasons

Iho ja viisi vuodenaikaa

Here in Pohjola, the skin encounters different weather conditions and each season has its own challenges for the skin. Our individual condition affects which season is the easiest and which is the hardest for us. It usually comes to mind that winter is the most challenging for all skin types, but this is not always the case. Through Chinese medicine, we can understand the causes of skin and body problems in a certain season.

Vuodenajat vaikuttavat ihoon ja se on hyvä ottaa huomioon ihonhoidossa.

But what is the Fifth Season?

In Chinese medicine we talk about the Five Elements or the Five Phases. Water – Wood – Fire – Earth – Metal. They are described either as a circle where all five elements are in a row or as a circle of four elements with the fifth element in the middle (see the picture at the end of the text).

The water element represents winter, Wood represents spring, Fire represents summer, Metal represents autumn, and it is also the Fifth, or Earth. The Earth element is depicted in the circle of the Five Elements after Fire and its season is late summer. In addition, the time of the Earth element is always with the change of seasons. And according to my own experience as an eco-cosmetologist, this is the most challenging time with the skin for most people.

Skin and skin care as the seasons change

In Chinese medicine, the earth element is associated with moisture. And usually when the seasons change, there is a wet period. This increase in moisture can be seen in the skin as an accumulation of waste materials, i.e. impurities, swelling and sagging. Pimples and rashes also occur more easily and do not heal as easily. Moisture is also related to the accumulation of fluids and it can be seen on the face, for example, as morning puffiness. When the earth element is active, we may also more easily experience flaking on the skin. Dandruff is also related to humidity and the fact that the skin cells cannot be renewed naturally. The skin also gets irritated and "irritated" more easily during the Earth element.

It is good to consider the body's sensitivity to moisture in the diet. Avoid cold and raw food that increase moisture. Milk, sugar and wheat also accumulate moisture and increase skin problems at all times, but especially when the seasons change. Accumulation of moisture in the body causes discomfort, exhaustion, "brain fog", intestinal and skin symptoms. Prefer warm, cooked and easily digestible food. In your diet, you can take into account the season we are moving into and add flavors that support it. Spring's taste is sour, summer's fiery, late summer's sweet, autumn's tart and winter's salty.

The change of seasons is also an internal change. The basic idea of ​​Chinese medicine is related to Yin and Yang, i.e. two opposing forces that do not work against each other but live in a constant state of transformation. When Yin grows to an extreme state, it transforms into Yang. And when Yang reaches its peak it transforms into Yin. Constant change and its acceptance is necessary in life. Each change of season also reflects the internal change that takes place in us and whether we are holding on to something or whether we are able to let go and adapt to the rhythm of life.

During the earth element, it is good to pay special attention to the overall well-being of the skin. This can be a generally exhausting time, so rest, calm exercise and regular eating are especially important for the skin as well. It is also important to take care of the skin gently, and not fall into over-treatment, as can easily happen when the skin is more challenging than normal. In external care, skin peeling should be included in your weekly routine together with a face mask. Face masks are a gentle and effective savior in times of crisis. You can use face masks as a treatment several times a week until the condition of the skin is balanced.

Acupressure and facial cupping is especially effective during the change of seasons. They bring a gentle detox effect to the face by improving blood, energy and lymph circulation. At the same time, you can absorb face oils more effectively into your skin.

Facial acupuncture quickly corrects skin imbalances and at the same time comprehensively checks your situation with facial and tongue diagnostics.

Viisi elementtiä kiinlaisessa lääketieteessä